

Hyflux 1Lt

By |May 10, 2024|Categories: |

A selective post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual and perennial weeds, especially cleavers, common nettle and common chickweed in winter and spring cereals, maize and grassland. An emulsiable concentrate containing 200 g/l fluroxypyr as the 1-methyl heptyl ester. Directions for use: The active substance Fluroxypyr is a post-emergence aryloxyalkanoic acid herbicide. It is present as the meptyl ester. HyFlux is a selective post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual and perennial weeds, especially cleavers, common nettle and common chickweed in winter and spring cereals, in maize and in established and newly sown grassland. The product can be applied as an overall spray using tractor mounted equipment or as a spot treatment using a knapsack sprayer. Best results are achieved under good growing conditions when weeds are actively growing in a strongly competing crop. In newly-sown crops, seedling and small weeds are more susceptible to HyFlux and will respond quicker when treated at this stage. This is particularly important with cleavers, especially where HBN’s are not included in the tank mixture. FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE Crop: Winter barley Winter wheat, Durum wheat Rye Triticale Winter oats, Spring barley Spring wheat, Spring oats, Forage maize, Grassland, Grassland (newly sown grass leys) Maximum individual dose of product: 2l/ha, 1l/ha, 0.75l/ha, 0.75l/ha, 1l/ha, 2l/ha, 0.75l/ha Maximum total dose of product per crop: 2l/ha, 1l/ha, 0.75l/ha, 0.75l/ha, 1l/ha, 2l/ha - see other specific restrictions, 0.75l/ha - see other specific restrictions Latest time of application: Before flag leaf shealth opening stage, Before second node detectable stage, Before flag leaf shealth extending stage, Before second node detectable stage, Before seven leaves stage unfolded stage.  


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