5L Gallup XL Super Strength Professional Glyphosate Weed Killer
Key Features
- Super Strong Weed Killer: This industrial-strength solution is highly effective against most types of garden weeds.
- Made with Glyphosate: The primary ingredient, glyphosate, penetrates the root system to quickly and effectively eliminate weeds.
- Fast Acting: Once absorbed, weeds will show signs of decay within 2 weeks after application.
- Dilution Instructions: For optimal results, mix 20ml of weed killer per 1L of water (e.g., a 5L sprayer will require 100ml of Clinic Up).
- Professional Product: Gallup 360 is designed for use by qualified personnel and is not intended for domestic use.
Diamond Horse Tail Weed Killer 1L
A systemic, total herbicide designed to control annual and perennial weeds, including challenging weeds like black bindweed and horsetail. Suitable for use in amenity grassland, amenity vegetation, grassland, edible and non-edible crops, orchards, and railway ballast.
Horse Tail Weed Killer
Contains 160g/L 2,4-D and 240g/L glyphosate. Effective Against:- Annual weeds
- Bamboo
- Bindweed
- Bracken
- Broad-leaved Dock
- Couch Grass
- Garden Weeds
- Gorse
- Japanese Knotweed
- Horsetail (Mare's Tail)
- Nettle
- Ragwort
- Pavement Weeds
- Perennial Weeds
- Rhododendron
- Sycamore
- Thistle
- All edible and non-edible crops (stubble)
- Amenity grassland
- Amenity vegetation
- Orchards (around apple and pear trees)
- Grassland
- Green cover on land not used for crop production
- Hard surfaces (railway ballast only)
Gallup 20lt
- The new non-hazardous glyphosate formulation from the popular brand, Gallup.
- Foliar applied total herbicide which travels down to the root of the weed.
- Controls a wide range of annual and perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds in numerous areas such as, orchards, forests and grassland.
Grazon Pro 1Lt
Grazon Pro Weed Killer Spray takes over from the well-known favourite Grazon 90 - But still continues to offer the best control via a knapsack on weeds such as docks, thistles, nettles, bramble and broom plus other difficult to control weeds in grassland and paddock situations. Fast acting, grass safe & controls a wide weed spectrum. Herbicide kills to the roots - offering long-term control. Rainfast in 2 hrs. Value for money. 1 L pack gives 16 knapsacks when mixed in 10 L batches. Application using a knapsack only - check out our range of knapsack and handheld sprayers that
Grazon Spot 500ml
Young and actively growing weeds are the best to target due to being the right size. If you have topped the weeds first then wait 2-3 weeks for sufficient weed regrowth before spraying. Kills the root of the weed resulting in long-term control. Offers excellent control of broad-leaved dock, curled dock, creeping thistle, spear thistle, and common nettle. Grazon Spot is a highly effective herbicide ideal for treating smaller areas. It contains a powerful combination of 60 g/L clopyralid + 240 g/L triclopyr, offering excellent control of broad-leaved dock, curled dock, creeping thistle, spear thistle, and common nettle in established grassland. Not only that, Grazon Spot also has an effect on a wide range of other annual and perennial weeds, as listed on the label. Grazon Spot should be applied from March – October in good growing conditions to a dry leaf. We recommend avoiding spraying if rain is forecast as this may hamper the products effectiveness. To ensure no areas are missed or over dosed, we recommend mixing in Blue Dye which will temporarily colour the area you have sprayed blue. This will in turn save both time and money. Grazon Spot apart from other weed control products is its full endorsement for use via handheld application equipment. This makes it incredibly easy to apply, saving you time and effort. Grazon Spot is fast-acting and provides long-term control by moving to the roots of the weeds. And with its rainfast properties in just 2 hours, you won't have to worry about the weather affecting its performance. Grazon Spot is also very safe to grass, ensuring your paddock or pasture stays healthy and lush. Stock grazing can resume only 7 days after application, but if any poisonous weeds such as ragwort are present it will need to be longer. It is important to control weeds such as ragwort as it is toxic to grazing horses and is undesirable in grass grown for silage, hay and haylage. Ragwort is also troublesome as it spreads rapidly; the seeds are easily picked up by the wind and deposited elsewhere.
A selective herbicide for control of broad-leaved weeds IN ESTABLISHED GRASSLAND will selectively control weeds in established agricultural grassland such as nettle, thistle, buttercups, soft rush and ragwort For the best results, apply spray when the annual weeds are at their seedling stage and perennial weeds when the flower buds are forming - provided the crop is at the recommended stage for treatment. Spraying should ideally be carried out in warm weather when the weeds are vigorously growing.
Rosate Weedkiller 1Lt
Rosate 360 TF A foliar-applied, translocated herbicide containing 360 g/l glyphosate as a soluble concentrate for the control of annual and perennial weeds in a range of agricultural, horticultural, forestry, industrial and amenity situations. It can be used in many crops, for the destruction of grassland, in orchards, forestry and non-crop areas. quality glyphosate formulation which will control all general weeds and grasses by preventing the production of proteins needed for growth. Some larger or tougher weeds may need the application rate increasing to 6L/ha or 500ml per 10L of water. Rosate 360 TF is a foliar acting herbicide that
Roundup Proactive 5 Lt
Roundup is a tried and tested brand of glyphosate weedkiller, used by professionals looking for quick results ProActive is the successor to ProBio 360. It contains the same highly researched blend of surfactants as its predecessor, reulting in a 'clean' label total weedkiller that shows highly efficient activity at the leaf and improved performance compared to older style glyphosates. Suitable for the control of annual, perennial and broad-leaved weeds, Roundup ProActive 5L contains 360g/L of glyphosate, in-line with the industry standard. This all-important ingredient works by blocking the plant's enzyme system. The enzymes present in plants do not occue in
Scorpion Weedkiller 5 Lt
SCORPION VERY STRONG PROFESSIONAL GLYPHOSATE WEEDKILLER 1 x 5L Scorpion is a brand new product which replaces the popular Clinic. It is a foliar applied translocated herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds before sowing or planting of all crops. For use pre-emergence and pre-harvest in cereals and certain other crops for destruction of grassland, and use in stubbles and orchards, and non-crop areas. For control of emerged weeds in amenity and forestry situations. Degraded by micro-organisms/microbes in the soil. A soluble concentrate containing 360g g/l glyphosate, present as 441g/l (35.3% w/w) of the potassium