Diamond Horse Tail Weed Killer 1L
A systemic, total herbicide designed to control annual and perennial weeds, including challenging weeds like black bindweed and horsetail. Suitable for use in amenity grassland, amenity vegetation, grassland, edible and non-edible crops, orchards, and railway ballast.
Horse Tail Weed Killer
Contains 160g/L 2,4-D and 240g/L glyphosate. Effective Against:- Annual weeds
- Bamboo
- Bindweed
- Bracken
- Broad-leaved Dock
- Couch Grass
- Garden Weeds
- Gorse
- Japanese Knotweed
- Horsetail (Mare's Tail)
- Nettle
- Ragwort
- Pavement Weeds
- Perennial Weeds
- Rhododendron
- Sycamore
- Thistle
- All edible and non-edible crops (stubble)
- Amenity grassland
- Amenity vegetation
- Orchards (around apple and pear trees)
- Grassland
- Green cover on land not used for crop production
- Hard surfaces (railway ballast only)