HyGrass P controls a wide range of weeds; creeping buttercup, docks, spear thistle, mouse-ear, chickweed, plantain, clover, dandelion, daisy and scentless mayweed – For the perfect weed-free lawn with knapsack or boom application recommendations.
Spot spray troublesome weeds in managed turf, sports pitches and formal grass upto twice a year.
- Treats wide range of weeds and reduces incidence of dandelions & mayweed
- Covers at least 10,000m2per bottle
- Versatile application for spot spraying or overall tractor spray
- Best sprayed on new perennial weeds in spring before flowering
- Suitable for use on new grass after 6 months establishment
Application notes & guidance:
- First four mowings to be composted for 6 months before use as a mulch
- Leave at least one day before & after application before mowing
- Spray until foliage is completely wetted
- DO NOT cut sprayed fields for silage if poisonous weeds are present, until all such weeds are dead
- DO NOT use HYGRASS-P in fields in which clover forms an important part of the sward
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